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Cafetiere - Great Coffee Made Easy

Cafetiere - Great Coffee Made Easy


    First, find your cafetiere; it may be handily placed in a kitchen cupboard, hideen behind your collection of holiday booze or stashed next to your redundant pasta maker. Next, make some great coffee at home.

    Time: 4-5 minutes


    • Cafetiere (small or large)
    • Teaspoon or scales
    • Kettle


    • Coffee: use15g (5 heaped teaspoons) for a small caeftiere, or 40g (13 teapsoons) for a large. A digital scale will make things extra precise. 
    • Boiling water, left to cool for 1 minute (ideally 94°)


    1. Place the ground coffee into the cafetiere
    2. Pour in the water until full
    3. Stir briefly to ensure all coffee is saturated
    4. Brew for 3-4 minutes
    5. Push down the plunger slowly to avoid disturbing the coffee grinds.

    Pour and enjoy!